When you were a kid, you survived through attachment.


...to some extent, your parents had unresolved trauma that was transmitted to you. Literally everything comes back to the relationships you had with your parents & caregivers when you were a kid as your subconscious mind & worldview was forming.

If you developed an anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, or disorganized attachment, it IS directly playing out in your relationship with your kids - causing you to become triggered, overprotective, distant, emotionally reactive, emotionally unavailable, etc.

Everything in your life is a relationship. The goal is not to detach... the goal is to live in SECURE attachment - ESPECIALLY when it comes to your kids.

Grab this free PDF download to recognize and understand your attachment style so you can begin to heal these patterns and show up as the mother you know you are deep within. 

PDF Download: How does your Attachment Style Affect your Parenting?

You want to build true connection with your kids. You want to create a thriving household with strong relationships built on trust. Learn how your attachment style could be subconsciously self-sabotaging all of that, without you even realizing it...

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